Example Testing Script

The following is an example of a testing script that runs multiple tests in parallel, using multiple instances of iperf servers. When you have installed iperf3 on a Linux system, running the script can launch iperf server with multiple parallel instances, where each instance has a unique port.
# Run multiple parallel instances of iperf servers 
# This example assumes the port numbers used by the servers start at 5001 and increase by one
# e.g. 5001, 5002, 5003, ...
# To specify a different base port, change the following parameter value
# to be: firstport - 1
let base_port-- # Command line input: number of servers
# e.g. 5
shift # Command line input: base report file name
# e.g. report
shift # Optional command line input: other iperf options
# e.g. -u
iperf_options="$*" # Run iperf multiple times
for i in `seq 1 $num_servers`; do         # Set server port
        server_port=$(($base_port+$i));         # Report file includes server port
        echo " report_file --> $report_file"         # Run iperf
        iperf3 3 3  -s   -p $server_port  -1  $iperf_options &> $report_file & done